Monday, July 2, 2018

July Bloom Box Fun! Yummy Strawberries!

Check out our new Bloom Box Stamp Set.  A versatile set of strawberries that make you want to enjoy a fresh bowl of strawberries.  Mine are ripening in my garden as I write this.  I also have rhubarb in the garden.  I just love to make Strawberry and Rhubarb Cakes and Breads.  My husband loves them!!!!

There are 2 ways to get the Box.  Order a 6 month subscription and get it for $24.95 (plus tax/ship) and get the next 5 months automatically.  OR order ala carte and get it for $29.95.  You get to choose.  I do the subscription method and have never been disappointed with any of my stamp sets and kits.  Click above to get started today!!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Happy 1st and Welcome to the New FSJ Catalog!!!!! Start Making Your Wish List!!!!

1). Get ready to fall in love with our new catalog.  Starting today, you can take a look at all the new beautiful products that FSJ has to offer.

2). You can also see our new, fresh and updated logo.

3). Start to make your wish list.  Go to my easy online store and start your shopping experience!!!
     Got questions about any products, just ask and I will be glad to help you.

4). If you live in the Spokane/Spokane Valley, WA Area start to make plans to attend one of my
     upcoming monthly classes using FSJ products.  In these classes you will get to use the FSJ
     products for yourself and get to create beautiful projects that you can take home completed that
     day.  EXCITING!!!!!    If you love to create, but need help with ideas, these classes will be
     perfect for you.  Everything will be precut and ready to go for you! NOTE:  DATE TBA 

5.  Watch for my very first LIVE tutorial  (next week) on how to use products and make cards and
     other DIY type products.  You wo n't want to miss this because there is no telling what will happen.
     I am going to get over my fear of doing this and will look forward to your comments!!!!   (Be kind

6.  Order a hard copy of the catalog from me from my website or contact me to send you a copy and
     you can pay me at google pay.  They are worth every penny!!!!  If you decide to book a class with 
     me or spend $50 or more,  you will get a free catalog.  WOWZA!!!!!!  What a DEAL!!!!


Bird Card:   (One of my new favorite stamp sets)
Bird Melody Stamp Set:  SS-0496/$19.95
Bird Melody Die Set:  DI-0356/$25.95
Bird Melody Bundle (includes stamp set and dies)
BD-0273/$41.30 (Bundle Savings $4.60)

Cross Card:  (page 156 in catalog)
Color Cross Stamp Set:  SS-0411/$18.95 (set of 6)
Color Cross Die Set:  DI-0288/$14.95 (set of 1)
Color Cross Bundle (includes stamp set and cross die):
BD -0209/$30.50 (Bundle Savings $3.40)

Cowboy Boot Card:  (page 145 in catalog)
Dude Ranch Stamp Set:  SS-0477/$20.95
Dude Ranch Die Set:  DI-0341/$19.95
Dude Ranch Bundle (includes stamp set and dies)
BD-0281/$36.80 (Bundle Savings $4.10)

For all other supplies, contact me me a list!!!!  All cards were made with FSJ products.    


I was surrounded by such talented people at the FSJ convention.  I have so many more swaps to share, but these were from the black and white card swap I joined.  So cute.......many florals to
    choose from.  Can you find my card?